Wednesday, January 20, 2016

World's BIGGEST Problems

In this post, I'll discuss some of the worlds biggest problems and outline some (perhaps too simplistic) solutions that I believe will either solve or at least improve the current situation.

1. For starters, I would like to bring up the spread and presence of nuclear weaponry. While heavily regulated and closely watched, nuclear arsenals hold an immense capacity and potential for destruction. As such, I would elevate the levels and uses of diplomacy so that in any confrontation nuclear weapons are not even a last resort.

2. I would like to bring in war as a separate entity from nuclear arsenals because these happen on a small scale throughout the world. I believe that we can stop these armed conflicts with the proper and supervised creation of a strong government in areas where there is no authority to stop these conflicts.

3. Diseases have always been a part of human history and we have no reason to believe they will stop any time soon. When considered in par with current globalization and interconnectivity, the spread could be unprecedented. Therefore I suggest stricter control and monitoring of abnormal occurrences that could signal the rise of a new epidemic.

4. Socioeconomic disparity I think is another big problem that is worth mentioning in this list. As the gap between wealthy and poor grows, not only do we force more people into poverty, but we are also creating more crime, terrorism and general dissatisfaction. This in turn leads to war and revolution and violence. I think a cool idea would be to create a world charity fund. Where nations donate a certain percentage in taxes in order to strive and close the gap in our current society.

5. Renewable energy is one of the most sought after answers to our current issue of depletion of natural resources.  This is an easy answer to one of the world's most currently pressing matters. It is also feasible to invest money in research and development of new and more efficient ways to power our future.

6. Population in the world as of now in the the billions and with exponential growth, we will soon surpass our planet's capacity for us as a species. This is a problem that has been growing with time and the more time passes, the less time we have to deal with it. While exploratory space missions are already in place, I would suggest seriously diverting funds in order to greatly move up the schedule and achieve some feasible results sooner than we expect.

7. Climate change seems to be a fervently discussed topic in recent years. It is imperative that international organizations aid in the creation, implementation and enforcement of rules or guidelines which will serve to slow and even reverse this issue. This way we avoid all the unwanted consequences of climate change.

8. Lack of food and water in several nations that are still developing are some of the greater causes for loss of life and suffering. Through the creation and implementation of a world charity, such problems can be quickly and efficiently addressed

9.Political instability is a growing concern with current countries competing for power and influence. While political tension is highest amongst weak nations, strong ones such as the U.S. and Russia also possess their differences which drives animosity. The strengthening of National Institutions such as U.N. could serve as an mediating power.

10. Financial instability is a risk that few keep in mind but one that would have vast implications on our global system. By regulating and keeping a closer eye on global economics, financial crisis and possible disasters become preventable.


  1. Hi Andres,
    I really appreciate the points that you've made in this blog. It's so apparent that these problems that you've mentioned are frequently undermined and people don't seem to understand the severity that these issues have come to. You mentioned a lot of points that I also brought up in my blog (you can check out my "world's biggest problems" list at such as lack of food and water, renewable energy, and excessive population growth. I think that you had some great ideas with some of the suggestions you had in regards to solving these problems or at least working towards the first steps of finding a solution. I wish you the best of luck and am sure that you're going to do an incredible job and make an impact in the world one day!

  2. Reading your blog post opened my eyes to a different set of solutions to some our world's largest problems. In my post I came up with similar issues, but I appreciated the detail and feasibility of your solutions. When thinking of some of the largest world problems, we often do not think of them as obstacles to overcome, but simply something we just have to live without or simply have to work around or deal with. I wish I would've put diseases on my list as it is something that everyone comes in contact with and a variety of diseases have detrimentally impacted millions of lives including the families of those with illnesses. If you ever have a chance I would love it if you checked out my blog at
