Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Hey everyone, this is my introduction where I will tell you a little bit about me, my story, my passions, where I have been and where I plan to go in life.

So to begins things off, I was born in 1994, which makes me 21 as of now. I was born and grew up in Ecuador, a small country in South America. I lived there with my parents and my younger sister until I was 9. I then moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil where my dad worked and spent the next 5 to 6 years growing up in a beautiful energetic and enticing country. There I learned to speak Portuguese and English as well as Spanish. During my time in Brazil I picked up my love for soccer, a sport that to this day continues to be a part of my life. I made great friends I won't soon forget there, and relationships I'll cherish for a lifetime.
I then had to move again as my dad came to work in Miami. At this point in time i knew very little about the U.S. and culture in South Florida. Miami, however is rather different than the rest of the Southern U.S., as it is often described as a melting pot of people from different countries with different cultures. I spent my high school days commuting to school quite literally across the beach, it was truly a blessing having such an opportunity. During my time in Miami I fell in love with the city and all it had to offer; I loved trying new restaurants every weekend with my parents, meeting more people and of course parties in Miami do live up to their expectations! Ever since I decided I would try and work hard in order to live the lifestyle my parents had created for me and eventually maybe one day for my own children. I would love to one day travel the world, eat new foods, meet new people and experience new things. This is one of my main drives in life.
And now I am part of the Gator nation, a huge community of great people that have very different perspectives and very different interests but that are all willing to work hard in order to makes their dreams become a reality. Currently a Finance major, I plan to one day travel the world consulting for different businesses in different countries with different needs and circumstances. And maybe one day, with enough experience, create my own firm where I can help others while personally directing according to my own vision. But in order to do so, I must take it one step at a time, this being one of my first few. I am confident this class will offer me opportunities and exposure to the world of entrepreneurship and how to become my own leader in life.

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