Sunday, January 17, 2016

Week 2 Reading Reflection

While doing the reading for the second week of this course, I noted right off the bat some peculiarities that I thought I would not encounter in a class like this. Whereas I once thought of entrepreneurism as a simple business starting skill, I have come to realize that it is so much more than that. To some it is a mindset, to others a way of life but I could have never guessed the sheer amount of detail, research and information that a seemingly simple course like this can have. Amidst all this information I found some rather confusing sections, for instance, how is an entrepreneur to make a decision between saving a business and being ethically correct? At what point is one characteristic such as profitability more important than others like ethical correctness? I believe there must be a balance, but at which point does the scale point the other way? If I could ask the author any couple of questions I would probably ask as to the qualitative research done in order to support the findings in the book. It is easy to gather number and formulate theories, but when it comes to the real world I would like to know where and how was such data gathered. This I believe will lead to a clearer understanding of the material by providing situational context and paving the way to a better grasp of the bigger picture. There were no specifically controversial situations in the reading, as I was for the most part open to new concepts and ideas. I was however taken aback by the depth that entrepreneurship can achieve, not only in terms of data and terms and theories but also as a concept. It is able to reach many different audiences, more so than i had previously imagined. The reading has definitely invited me to look at things around me in a  new light.

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