Monday, January 25, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

In this follow up post to my previous list of problems facing the world, I will attempt to gather what I perceive to be the 5 most important issues out of the 10 previously mentioned. These are issues that currently affect the world in a global scale and are coupled with solutions I believe will maximize effectiveness.

1. Financial Instability
2. Nuclear Weaponry
3. War
4. Socioeconomic Disparity
5. Excessive Population Growth

Also below are the solutions to these 5 problems ranked in order of feasibility, that is, how easy and implementable the solutions are.

1. Controlled Strengthening of Weaker Governments
2. Standardized World Market Regulations
3. Nuclear Disarmament
4. Extra-planetary Colonization
5. World Charity Fund

I ranked my problems in the above order because of immediate threat to our global society. I believe that many countries' economies are interdependent on each other, much like the recent China crash rattled markets across Europe and even the U.S. Thus I believe that mishandling our financial markets could very well be a recipe for disaster. Nuclear Weaponry and War follow close behind due to their sporadic nature. It is sometimes very unpredictable but still extremely harmful to our planet and society. Lastly Socioeconomic Disparity and Population Growth are less immediate problems but equally as important.

When it comes to my solutions, they all think on a rather big scale, as I believe that acting big is the only way we can swiftly and decisively end this problems and properly take care of them. I ranked these based on feasibility, which means that Responsible Strengthening of Weak Countries is something that could easily be done by global powers and supranational organizations. My next solutions could be considered far-off what reality really is like, but I stand by the ideas of regulating world markets and removing nuclear armament as a viable choice of actions for countries. Lastly my least feasible solutions are things that still have time to come to occur, as there is no immediate need for planetary colonization or no immediate desire for an international charity fund for emerging countries. Yet I feel these are rather simple solutions only made difficult by governments and politicians' inability to agree on a certain way to solve an issue.

UN Assembly


  1. Hey Andres!
    Your list is concise, clear and to the point. Also appreciate your thorough explaination of your though process. I totally agree with nuclear weaponry being a major problem. One person has a meltdown and an entire nation could be gone. I also agree with you last comment. “… Simple solutions only made difficult by governments and politicians' inability to agree on a certain way to solve an issue.” It’s sad but majority of the world’s problem stem from those in charge refusing to work together.
    You can check out my list of major problems here.

  2. Your list is very creative and definitely not what I expected. It actually very interesting to read how you organized it. I like how you put Financial Instability as the number 1 problem. I would argue that it isn't necessary a problem but a world fear. Yes you are that the world countries are very interconnected and therefore when the economy of country fails it could have a major repercussions for everyone else. For this reason I see it as a world fear and not a problem yet. Another example would be China. China owns about 70 of the US Debt and if their market were to fail it could potential destroy the US Market as well. Make sure to check out my list and let me know what you think.
