Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

I once met one of my father's friends. He lives in Ecuador and has since become a very close family friend. What got me so interested in him is that he seemed able to give his children everything they wanted and he traveled anywhere he pleased. I soon began to wonder how he did it, so me being young and completely insensible, I soon asked how he got so much money, power and freedom. What he told me I still remember to this day. He said "hard work, and love for an idea". I asked my parents what that meant and they explained to me that he had grown up from nothing and worked his way through school to the point where he created his small telecommunications support company. It was not easy, they said, and it would take time, so that man worked and worked. He soon got key government as well as private contracts and his company grew exponentially. He is now a well-off and happy man, with the freedom to travel to any country in the world and do virtually as he pleases. Such heights are the ones I plan to achieve and men like him are an inspiration that fuels my craziest dreams.
His mindset in a nutshell


  1. That is a really cool story! My entrepreneurship story was about getting to meet an entrepreneur like that as well. What a moving experience, right? My father always referred to people like that as "people who create their own reality," because they use their efforts to shape the world in the way they want.

  2. Andres,
    Wow what a wonderful story and great slogan for life! I think it is awesome that you were taught to have this drive and determination about life from such a young age. Many people take things for granted and are not shown how hard you must work to make your dreams come true. I hope this class gives all of us the opportunity to realize how to love an idea and how to move forward with our lives and be successful people. If you'd like to read about my story, the link is below!
