Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Very Short Interview with an Entrepreneur No.1

The entrepreneur I chose to interview for the occasion is a close family friend. I briefly talked about him in one of my previous introductory posts. His name is Nelson Asanza and he runs his own telecommunications project company in Ecuador. During our brief yet informative conversation he made some very interesting points which I would like to share.

1) "As a successful entrepreneur and looking back to the years of work you had to sacrifice to get to where you are, is there any advice that you could give your older self that would have greatly helped you at the time?

"Yes, most definitely do not give up. The road to your own dreams is not easy but there is a thrill in chasing it and working for it. I spent so much time worrying that I would fail, I wonder the things and places I could have gone and done with it. Do not give up would be my best advice."

2) "As a graduate with an engineering background, how did the idea of entrepreneurship come to you?"

"Well to start you have got to understand that being an entrepreneur and doing something for yourself is not a thing that is limited to a single career or a single profession. I simply knew I had a vision, a dream. All I had to do from then as have the courage to pursue it and the work ethic to see it through all the way."

3) "Is there anything you wish you would've learned during your education that could've been useful along the way?"

"I wish I had learned more about finance and the financial world. There comes a point where eventually finance plays a big role in your journey, so I wish I knew a bit more about that. And cooking, I also wish I had learned to properly cook."

One of the most important things I have learned from this interview is that being an entrepreneur is not a career decision. It is rather simply a choice to lead your own life and to work for the things that you chose to work for. That the requirements, as put by Nelson, are simply a dream and the will to work to see it come a reality. Such a simple yet complete view on the journey to being an entrepreneur are what motivate to see my dreams one day become a reality.

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