Sunday, January 17, 2016

Bug List

While going through my daily routine and figuring out who I am going to interview in the coming weeks or what I am going to eat that evening, I realized there are actually quite a few things that catch my attention in a rather negative way.
1. When water fountains are warm and not refreshingly cold.
-Perhaps a faulty cooling system?

2. Getting blisters in the ankles whenever a new shoe is worn.
-Friction between ankle skin and shoe surface

3. The minimum amount of withdrawal at an ATM
-I don't really know why this would be in place

4. Uncovered walkways, having to walk during rain
-Budget does not allow?

5. The walls in my apartment are too thing and I can hear people walk outside/on the floor above
-This is a common one, and maybe it is due to me not being willing to pay a premium for such commodity

6. Misplacing my keys
-Lack of organization? Or lack of designated place for them?

7. Dirty dishes in the sink without people washing them
-Lack of time in people's schedule or maybe just irresponsibility

8. Clicking a pen when the tip was already out
-Lack of visibility or prominence in the tip of the pen

9. Attempting multiple times to insert a USB into its port
-Lack of instruction as to which side belongs facing which way

10. Uncomfortable seats in the bus
-Lack od budget for transportation in Alachua county

11. Narrow hallways in certain buildings throughout campus
-Rush hour makes it so that its impossible to traverse the building

12. People that fall asleep in class
-Simply don't show up if you'll sleep.

13. Temperature in public buses
-Those range from freezing to super moist, and i don't know why?!

14. Complicated packaging that is hard to open
-Content safety reasons? Although it seems unnecessary to me

15. Scissor packages require a scissor to open!
- That is unheard of and defeats its own purpose

16. Hard to reach toothpaste at the end of the tube.
-Design flaws, I'm surprised no one has addressed this in a major way

17. The difficulty in reaching a dry cleaners, their availability seems scarce
-Maybe low demand, but still annoying having to find one

18. Lack of space in crowded libraries during peak hours
-Maybe the library should have a system that makes it easy to track library capacity and space availability

19. Always forgetting to return any rentals and having to pay an extra charge.
-It happens because of a lack of reminder system that is yet to be created

20. Losing signal inside buildings.
-Perhaps a stronger network by a big telecom company will improve upon this?

This list of things that bug me was surprisingly difficult, as I might complain about something for a minute or so but completely forget it the next hour or by the time i get home. There are, however, an astounding number of things that could be modified to make my life easier.


  1. I agree with #13 wholeheartedly! It seems that the bus's air conditioning is cranking out air conditioning super strongly or the bus driver keeps it super warm and humid on the bus, which causes the whole bus to stink up with body odor. In addition, I hate when I lose signal inside buildings too! You would think it's the opposite.
    You make an excellent point that finding 20 things that bug yourself can be difficult. There may be several small annoyances throughout the day, but it's hard to remember them as those annoyances are a fleeting moment.

      Here is the link to my own bug list!

  2. Great post, I liked that you were very clear and concise with both your bugs and solutions. I pretty much agreed and relate to all the bugs you listed, especially the atm withdrawal thing. Small things like that and have no reason to it exist like that really grind my gears. It's crazy how many problems we can find in the most mundane of things when we take a step back and analyze it all. I ended up finding this post easy to write up because I naturally look for and notice problems in things, being someone who always wants to fix things. I also decided to be a little light hearted about some of the stuff crack fun at it.
