Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 4 Reading Reflection

This week's reading related to innovation and the way it can shape industries and the way it can build some pretty interesting things. One of the things that, as I was reading stood out to me as different from anything I expected was the way that creativity can be structured. I usually assume that creativity is often abstract and free and wild at times even. But through the reading I came to understand that there is an actual process to it and how that can be a very structured occurrence. The thinking process itself and all of its parts are what stood out in particular because it helped me visualize a process that is otherwise intangible. One of the more confusing parts of the reading was in my opinion the Areas of Creativity. There were more areas of creativity than I thought possible, and I wonder if maybe they can interlace and overlap. If I were to meet the authors and have the opportunity to ask anything I would probably ask where they think creativity currently stands in comparison to the way it was used in the past. I would also ask where do they see it going, to perhaps a major factor in creation of great companies or something similar?. While not disagreeing with the author at any specific points, this chapter has taught me a lot in terms of insight and conceptual knowledge.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

In this follow up post to my previous list of problems facing the world, I will attempt to gather what I perceive to be the 5 most important issues out of the 10 previously mentioned. These are issues that currently affect the world in a global scale and are coupled with solutions I believe will maximize effectiveness.

1. Financial Instability
2. Nuclear Weaponry
3. War
4. Socioeconomic Disparity
5. Excessive Population Growth

Also below are the solutions to these 5 problems ranked in order of feasibility, that is, how easy and implementable the solutions are.

1. Controlled Strengthening of Weaker Governments
2. Standardized World Market Regulations
3. Nuclear Disarmament
4. Extra-planetary Colonization
5. World Charity Fund

I ranked my problems in the above order because of immediate threat to our global society. I believe that many countries' economies are interdependent on each other, much like the recent China crash rattled markets across Europe and even the U.S. Thus I believe that mishandling our financial markets could very well be a recipe for disaster. Nuclear Weaponry and War follow close behind due to their sporadic nature. It is sometimes very unpredictable but still extremely harmful to our planet and society. Lastly Socioeconomic Disparity and Population Growth are less immediate problems but equally as important.

When it comes to my solutions, they all think on a rather big scale, as I believe that acting big is the only way we can swiftly and decisively end this problems and properly take care of them. I ranked these based on feasibility, which means that Responsible Strengthening of Weak Countries is something that could easily be done by global powers and supranational organizations. My next solutions could be considered far-off what reality really is like, but I stand by the ideas of regulating world markets and removing nuclear armament as a viable choice of actions for countries. Lastly my least feasible solutions are things that still have time to come to occur, as there is no immediate need for planetary colonization or no immediate desire for an international charity fund for emerging countries. Yet I feel these are rather simple solutions only made difficult by governments and politicians' inability to agree on a certain way to solve an issue.

UN Assembly

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week 3 Reading Reflection

In this Chapter, we talked about the entrepreneurial mindset and how it affects individuals, both from an ethical perspective and from a psychological perspective. We looked at different cognitive patterns and different decision making scenarios and styles that help shape the way that individuals and organizations think of the entrepreneurial venture.
One of the biggest surprises and new things I learned in this chapter is that the decision to become an entrepreneur derivates from a number of factors, some including personal characteristics, preferences in lifestyles, the business environment and any personal goals the entrepreneur might have. Before I used to think that being an entrepreneur was a simple decisions that is formed and created in a single moment, but now I understand that a series of factors come into play for a decision like that.
One part of the reading that was especially confusing to me is the Ethical considerations that many entrepreneurs can have. It is still somewhat hard for me to understand under what specific circumstances would an entrepreneur give up a golden opportunity for the sake of "correctness". I understand if it is a minor circumstance in which loses are minimal or negligible, yet when it comes to big decisions, it should be an entrepreneur's motto to keep building and moving forward in the best possible way.
If I had the possibility of asking the authors 2 questions my first one would be In which situations can an entrepreneur give up a big opportunity for profit for a lower profit, yet ethical option? I believe that in order to move forward in my entrepreneurship experience I must first understand all aspects of this endeavor. The second question I would ask the authors is which kind of issue does one prioritize over the other, network issues or leadership issues? This would greatly help in fully understanding what a company must prioritize in order to remain profitable and in business. I didn't quite find anything in which i greatly disagree with the authors, simply parts where I did not fully understand what they were communicating.

Identifying Local Opportunities

In this post, I will attempt to identify 5 situational opportunities where an entrepreneurial mind can come up with an answer that will not only benefit the individual, organization or community but also possibly yield some profit for the entrepreneur as well.

My first article titled "Your next Uber driver might have a criminal record" talks about Uber and their recent change in policy in California. This new change would allow people who have been previously convicted of a non violent or non sexual crime to become Uber drivers. The problem in this story lies just beyond what is clearly visible at first. Clearly the general public is affected and their willingness to utilize Uber might be affected due to concerns over passenger safety. But what does this really mean to Uber? It means that in a market where they are reaching for extensive coverage, their popularity might be reduced and in turn revenue would be decreased. It is imperative that Uber's target market and revenue figures are not several affected by this change in policy, which will give it greater expansion power but it might come at a cost.

My second article speaks about the French government and how they have put out a need for a standardized French keyboard. In the article "Quoi? France wants keyboard adapted to proper grammar", the French government has been complaining of the inefficacy of the current AZERTY keyboard and instead is looking for options into a standardized version. With the current situation, it is very hard and nearly impossible to produce a French grammatical masterpiece, as there are words, letters and accents that are hard to recreate in a timely and simple manner. With the resource of the French Ministry of Culture, it should prove very opportunistic for any who manage to catch the attention of the government with any prototypes.

My next article is titled "Single family homes soar in Broward County" from the Miami Herald. This article talks about rising prices in single family homes in the Broward County area of South Florida. This was largely due to a good season for home selling combined with a dwindling in supply for the market. This will drive prices up and leave prospective home buyers with less options as prices keep climbing. With such high prices affecting first time home buyers, they may look to alternative options such as condos or even the renting market. This shows the opportunity that a lateral market with enough supply could obtain by providing an efficient and profitable outlet to home buyers who can't find affordable properties.

Next I will talk about another Herald article that talks about Miami and its slum-like areas. The problem here is had by the city of Miami since it is responsible for the security and maintenance of its neighborhoods. The problem with these low income areas is that buildings and other facilities are in less than acceptable condition but the revenue earned by landlords is not enough to finance a repair and thus it becomes difficult to improve the current situation. This problem is caused by years of neglect in part by the city and by the land owners, yet it offers an unparalleled opportunity in the real estate area, where value can be created and added to areas previously unthought of.

My last article in which I wish to showcase an opportunity that could arise out of a current problem in the eastern United States. The current blizzard/snowstorm that is ravaging the east coast has brought to South Carolina 3 deaths. This problem pertains to every individual who is affected by this weather. If people are starting to leave their house a lot less due to safety concerns, then they are more likely to focus more on the domestic aspect of their lives. This gives a small temporary edge to any who seeks an opportunity in the domestic aspect of human lives.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

World's BIGGEST Problems

In this post, I'll discuss some of the worlds biggest problems and outline some (perhaps too simplistic) solutions that I believe will either solve or at least improve the current situation.

1. For starters, I would like to bring up the spread and presence of nuclear weaponry. While heavily regulated and closely watched, nuclear arsenals hold an immense capacity and potential for destruction. As such, I would elevate the levels and uses of diplomacy so that in any confrontation nuclear weapons are not even a last resort.

2. I would like to bring in war as a separate entity from nuclear arsenals because these happen on a small scale throughout the world. I believe that we can stop these armed conflicts with the proper and supervised creation of a strong government in areas where there is no authority to stop these conflicts.

3. Diseases have always been a part of human history and we have no reason to believe they will stop any time soon. When considered in par with current globalization and interconnectivity, the spread could be unprecedented. Therefore I suggest stricter control and monitoring of abnormal occurrences that could signal the rise of a new epidemic.

4. Socioeconomic disparity I think is another big problem that is worth mentioning in this list. As the gap between wealthy and poor grows, not only do we force more people into poverty, but we are also creating more crime, terrorism and general dissatisfaction. This in turn leads to war and revolution and violence. I think a cool idea would be to create a world charity fund. Where nations donate a certain percentage in taxes in order to strive and close the gap in our current society.

5. Renewable energy is one of the most sought after answers to our current issue of depletion of natural resources.  This is an easy answer to one of the world's most currently pressing matters. It is also feasible to invest money in research and development of new and more efficient ways to power our future.

6. Population in the world as of now in the the billions and with exponential growth, we will soon surpass our planet's capacity for us as a species. This is a problem that has been growing with time and the more time passes, the less time we have to deal with it. While exploratory space missions are already in place, I would suggest seriously diverting funds in order to greatly move up the schedule and achieve some feasible results sooner than we expect.

7. Climate change seems to be a fervently discussed topic in recent years. It is imperative that international organizations aid in the creation, implementation and enforcement of rules or guidelines which will serve to slow and even reverse this issue. This way we avoid all the unwanted consequences of climate change.

8. Lack of food and water in several nations that are still developing are some of the greater causes for loss of life and suffering. Through the creation and implementation of a world charity, such problems can be quickly and efficiently addressed

9.Political instability is a growing concern with current countries competing for power and influence. While political tension is highest amongst weak nations, strong ones such as the U.S. and Russia also possess their differences which drives animosity. The strengthening of National Institutions such as U.N. could serve as an mediating power.

10. Financial instability is a risk that few keep in mind but one that would have vast implications on our global system. By regulating and keeping a closer eye on global economics, financial crisis and possible disasters become preventable.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Very Short Interview with an Entrepreneur No.1

The entrepreneur I chose to interview for the occasion is a close family friend. I briefly talked about him in one of my previous introductory posts. His name is Nelson Asanza and he runs his own telecommunications project company in Ecuador. During our brief yet informative conversation he made some very interesting points which I would like to share.

1) "As a successful entrepreneur and looking back to the years of work you had to sacrifice to get to where you are, is there any advice that you could give your older self that would have greatly helped you at the time?

"Yes, most definitely do not give up. The road to your own dreams is not easy but there is a thrill in chasing it and working for it. I spent so much time worrying that I would fail, I wonder the things and places I could have gone and done with it. Do not give up would be my best advice."

2) "As a graduate with an engineering background, how did the idea of entrepreneurship come to you?"

"Well to start you have got to understand that being an entrepreneur and doing something for yourself is not a thing that is limited to a single career or a single profession. I simply knew I had a vision, a dream. All I had to do from then as have the courage to pursue it and the work ethic to see it through all the way."

3) "Is there anything you wish you would've learned during your education that could've been useful along the way?"

"I wish I had learned more about finance and the financial world. There comes a point where eventually finance plays a big role in your journey, so I wish I knew a bit more about that. And cooking, I also wish I had learned to properly cook."

One of the most important things I have learned from this interview is that being an entrepreneur is not a career decision. It is rather simply a choice to lead your own life and to work for the things that you chose to work for. That the requirements, as put by Nelson, are simply a dream and the will to work to see it come a reality. Such a simple yet complete view on the journey to being an entrepreneur are what motivate to see my dreams one day become a reality.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Bug List

While going through my daily routine and figuring out who I am going to interview in the coming weeks or what I am going to eat that evening, I realized there are actually quite a few things that catch my attention in a rather negative way.
1. When water fountains are warm and not refreshingly cold.
-Perhaps a faulty cooling system?

2. Getting blisters in the ankles whenever a new shoe is worn.
-Friction between ankle skin and shoe surface

3. The minimum amount of withdrawal at an ATM
-I don't really know why this would be in place

4. Uncovered walkways, having to walk during rain
-Budget does not allow?

5. The walls in my apartment are too thing and I can hear people walk outside/on the floor above
-This is a common one, and maybe it is due to me not being willing to pay a premium for such commodity

6. Misplacing my keys
-Lack of organization? Or lack of designated place for them?

7. Dirty dishes in the sink without people washing them
-Lack of time in people's schedule or maybe just irresponsibility

8. Clicking a pen when the tip was already out
-Lack of visibility or prominence in the tip of the pen

9. Attempting multiple times to insert a USB into its port
-Lack of instruction as to which side belongs facing which way

10. Uncomfortable seats in the bus
-Lack od budget for transportation in Alachua county

11. Narrow hallways in certain buildings throughout campus
-Rush hour makes it so that its impossible to traverse the building

12. People that fall asleep in class
-Simply don't show up if you'll sleep.

13. Temperature in public buses
-Those range from freezing to super moist, and i don't know why?!

14. Complicated packaging that is hard to open
-Content safety reasons? Although it seems unnecessary to me

15. Scissor packages require a scissor to open!
- That is unheard of and defeats its own purpose

16. Hard to reach toothpaste at the end of the tube.
-Design flaws, I'm surprised no one has addressed this in a major way

17. The difficulty in reaching a dry cleaners, their availability seems scarce
-Maybe low demand, but still annoying having to find one

18. Lack of space in crowded libraries during peak hours
-Maybe the library should have a system that makes it easy to track library capacity and space availability

19. Always forgetting to return any rentals and having to pay an extra charge.
-It happens because of a lack of reminder system that is yet to be created

20. Losing signal inside buildings.
-Perhaps a stronger network by a big telecom company will improve upon this?

This list of things that bug me was surprisingly difficult, as I might complain about something for a minute or so but completely forget it the next hour or by the time i get home. There are, however, an astounding number of things that could be modified to make my life easier.

Week 2 Reading Reflection

While doing the reading for the second week of this course, I noted right off the bat some peculiarities that I thought I would not encounter in a class like this. Whereas I once thought of entrepreneurism as a simple business starting skill, I have come to realize that it is so much more than that. To some it is a mindset, to others a way of life but I could have never guessed the sheer amount of detail, research and information that a seemingly simple course like this can have. Amidst all this information I found some rather confusing sections, for instance, how is an entrepreneur to make a decision between saving a business and being ethically correct? At what point is one characteristic such as profitability more important than others like ethical correctness? I believe there must be a balance, but at which point does the scale point the other way? If I could ask the author any couple of questions I would probably ask as to the qualitative research done in order to support the findings in the book. It is easy to gather number and formulate theories, but when it comes to the real world I would like to know where and how was such data gathered. This I believe will lead to a clearer understanding of the material by providing situational context and paving the way to a better grasp of the bigger picture. There were no specifically controversial situations in the reading, as I was for the most part open to new concepts and ideas. I was however taken aback by the depth that entrepreneurship can achieve, not only in terms of data and terms and theories but also as a concept. It is able to reach many different audiences, more so than i had previously imagined. The reading has definitely invited me to look at things around me in a  new light.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

I once met one of my father's friends. He lives in Ecuador and has since become a very close family friend. What got me so interested in him is that he seemed able to give his children everything they wanted and he traveled anywhere he pleased. I soon began to wonder how he did it, so me being young and completely insensible, I soon asked how he got so much money, power and freedom. What he told me I still remember to this day. He said "hard work, and love for an idea". I asked my parents what that meant and they explained to me that he had grown up from nothing and worked his way through school to the point where he created his small telecommunications support company. It was not easy, they said, and it would take time, so that man worked and worked. He soon got key government as well as private contracts and his company grew exponentially. He is now a well-off and happy man, with the freedom to travel to any country in the world and do virtually as he pleases. Such heights are the ones I plan to achieve and men like him are an inspiration that fuels my craziest dreams.
His mindset in a nutshell


Hey everyone, this is my introduction where I will tell you a little bit about me, my story, my passions, where I have been and where I plan to go in life.

So to begins things off, I was born in 1994, which makes me 21 as of now. I was born and grew up in Ecuador, a small country in South America. I lived there with my parents and my younger sister until I was 9. I then moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil where my dad worked and spent the next 5 to 6 years growing up in a beautiful energetic and enticing country. There I learned to speak Portuguese and English as well as Spanish. During my time in Brazil I picked up my love for soccer, a sport that to this day continues to be a part of my life. I made great friends I won't soon forget there, and relationships I'll cherish for a lifetime.
I then had to move again as my dad came to work in Miami. At this point in time i knew very little about the U.S. and culture in South Florida. Miami, however is rather different than the rest of the Southern U.S., as it is often described as a melting pot of people from different countries with different cultures. I spent my high school days commuting to school quite literally across the beach, it was truly a blessing having such an opportunity. During my time in Miami I fell in love with the city and all it had to offer; I loved trying new restaurants every weekend with my parents, meeting more people and of course parties in Miami do live up to their expectations! Ever since I decided I would try and work hard in order to live the lifestyle my parents had created for me and eventually maybe one day for my own children. I would love to one day travel the world, eat new foods, meet new people and experience new things. This is one of my main drives in life.
And now I am part of the Gator nation, a huge community of great people that have very different perspectives and very different interests but that are all willing to work hard in order to makes their dreams become a reality. Currently a Finance major, I plan to one day travel the world consulting for different businesses in different countries with different needs and circumstances. And maybe one day, with enough experience, create my own firm where I can help others while personally directing according to my own vision. But in order to do so, I must take it one step at a time, this being one of my first few. I am confident this class will offer me opportunities and exposure to the world of entrepreneurship and how to become my own leader in life.

"Entrepreneur's Mantra"

My Entrepreneur's Mantra

First Test Post!!

Every great blog starts with a test post, here's mine.