Sunday, February 28, 2016

Half-way Reflection

In this half way reflection,  will attempt to communicate to any future prospects of this ENT 3003 class and give them advice on how to be tenacious and succeed in this course. Also,  I plan to also talk a bit about my experiences and what I've learned.
One of the behaviors that I have used and develop in order to keep up with the course and the work we have to do is definitely time management. Now i understand this is probably what everyone will tell you, time management is key and important and all. But I really cannot stress just how crucial it is, and not just for a class or just for college but life and anything you do. It turns a mess of stress in manageable tasks that really are not that bad when you don't have a deadline in 20 minutes.
This one time, I had to go out and conduct a survey to random people about my product, I thought that would be way too embarrassing so i thought about skipping that assignment. But then I realized that without risk I would make very little progress and so I went out there and did it. Not for the grade or GPA but for myself. And that really is an important part of this class as it is made and designed to benefit you. This along with other activities have created a tenacity in me to go and do what i have to do without being uncomfortable or shy, but a better person overall.
Three tips that I would give a person about succeeding and being tenacious in this class is to learn to manage your time properly, do not leave things for last minute. Also, it is perfectly ok to do something out of the ordinary and step out of your comfort zone, have a little fun. And lastly, enjoy the experience, because if you go through this class dreading every single part of it, then might as well not take it. This class is about the experience and how it changes you and your mindset into an entrepreneurial entity.


  1. I can definitely relate to your reflection. Time management is an important skill to have and a very critical one. The constant discipline of keeping yourself organized and prepared can get you very far. It is always better to be organized and prepared so that you can be able to plan out what you need to do and get it done. There is a saying that if you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail. I also agree with your three tips. Those are definitely things that are very important and that everyone should follow.

    Here is the link to my blog:

  2. I definitely agree that time management is a crucial skill for success in this course. I really enjoyed reading about your experience with the class and I think that future students reading this post would really get a good idea about tenacity from your experiences. I also relate to the necessity of pushing yourself to complete assignments out of your comfort zone and remembering that you are completing them for yourself in addition to points for the course. Check out my blog post here:!
