Sunday, February 14, 2016

Interviewing Customers No.3

This week I chose to interview some of my friend's friends that I have not met before. I asked them to identify themselves and also posed questions that would give me a better insight as to how they would relate and fit in my app's target market.

As a college student, Katherine was asked if she owns a pet, if her pet has ever fled or been lost and if she thinks she would benefit from a pet finding app.

Robert was also asked the same questions
As was Yaima
And Guillermo
and lastly Richard

What I learned from this interview is that there are a lot of pet owners with different situations and different unmet needs. From this I specifically can tailor my marketing campaign to target the right audience.


  1. This app would be beneficial for anyone with a pet. My dog loves to run free and not return sometimes leading me to a search frenzy. Your interviews were shortened straight to the point and didn't specify the contents of your app to your customers. here is my post

  2. Hi Andres! This business concept is very creative. I have a pet back at home, and he loves to run to the neighbors house. I am always scared that he might not come back. I believe this app would take away that stress. I think this app would be so beneficial. I can't tell you how many times I have seen "Lost Pet" flyers around my neighborhood. It would be great to decrease the number of pets that go missing and cannot be found. I am excited to see how your idea continues to develop. Keep up the good work. Check out my blog when you get the chance:

  3. Hi Andres,
    What an amazing idea. I like the fact that the owner of the pet wouldn’t be reliant on the place that issued a chip and would be able to track and locate their pet all on their own. I, like so many other, have had a pet go missing and they never turned back up. This would have been of great assistance.

  4. Hi Andres,
    What an amazing idea. I like the fact that the owner of the pet wouldn’t be reliant on the place that issued a chip and would be able to track and locate their pet all on their own. I, like so many other, have had a pet go missing and they never turned back up. This would have been of great assistance.

  5. Andres I think that a pet finding app would be amazing to have in the marketplace. I had my dog microchipped when he was a puppy, but that does not guarantee I will ever find him if he gets lost. I think with your idea and technology you could actually find your dog using your phone which would be amazing. We often get lost dogs in my neighborhood so this app would help a lot.
    Check out my posting at:

  6. Hi Andres,
    I think its obvious this is a great idea by all the other comments, and in this day and age I believe it wouldn't be too hard of a concept to implement. As far as your interviews go, I think it would be really beneficial to have a little bit more of an open response type question, just so you could get a little bit more information. Please check out my post here
