Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Elevator Pitch No.2

For my second elevator pitch, I worked on my eloquence and delivery skills. Since I received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from my first pitch, I am changing very little as to the content and concepts presented in my pitch. It seems there is a very decent demand for an app that would allow users to connect and network with other users in order to find and reconcile lost pets with their owners.

I would lastly like to thank everyone who offered their feedback, as it was vital in the bettering and conceptualizing of my pitch.


  1. This is a very smart idea. There is really no way now for people who find lost pets to post so that others can find it. Posting flyers or on craigslist or in the local newspaper isn't going to reach everyone. I know this would definitely be used if this app was made and would make finding lost pets so much easier. My only advice is to make you speech flow smoother. It could be because of nerves, but you seem slightly uncomfortable and choppy. Just relax and try to make your sentences flow a little better. Other than that, great job! You can see my elevator pitch at:

  2. This is such a good idea, you hear stories of people who have lost their animals and are reunited after 5 years. Or unfortunately their pets are taken in by shelters and it's too late. I would say that your app not only can connect to owners out there, but you should also team up with animal shelters and vet clinics. I worked at a vet clinic and we would often have customers bring in strays to check for a microchip that gives us their owner's or a shelter's information.

    here is my page:

  3. Andres,
    This is an awesome idea! I saw a lot of good presentation skills present in this presentation. I believe your pauses were strategic at many points and made for an impactful presentation. It allows people the time to think about losing a pet and let the emotions fill into their thoughts. Towards the end it does sound like you stumbled up a bit but with practice I think that's a quick fix. Your beginning also brings to mind the lost of a loved one and it is only after you mention a pet that I think about it in that way so I think you should emphasize from early on you are talking about a loss of a pet.
    Your TA Mentor,

  4. This idea is, yes, very strong, but I think that the quality of your video is the highlight of the entire concept. Your delivery and composure is top-notch! I would buy into the app if I saw this video and needed to find a missing pet. And not only is the idea something that would bode well here, in Gainesville, it's an idea that would function well in any urban setting. Given the huge amount of pets in the sorority row area and downtown, this concept would do very well in its early stages, a vital aspect of any business idea.

  5. Hey Andres!

    Think you have a very solid pitch and a phenomenal idea to be honest. One this I would recommend is to work on your pauses. If you pause in your talking make sure it is either for people to take in the information presented or to put emphasis on the previous spoken sentence. Also If you dress professionally it really boosts the way you talk without you even thinking about it! I would recommend it but besides that I think you did a good job of presenting and thought it was a pretty interesting idea.

    You should check mine out as well!
