Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Elevator Pitch No.1

For this elevator pitch, I decided to create a mobile friendly application called Pet and Found which will enable users to register, submit and inform other users about any stray animals or pets they might find in the local area. By building and expanding this network,  a run away dog or cat can more easily be found and returned to its appropriate. Pet and Found will create a new way for pet owners to account for any mishaps that might occur when talking about the hassles and troubles of losing your pet!


  1. Andres,

    Your idea sounds like a very good one. As a pet owner myself it would be something I would be interested in, because my cat has found it's way out before and she's always came back, but you never know what could happen. Although, your video seems to not be working, so I can't give to much feedback on that.


  2. Andres,

    I LOVE this idea! I am a pet owner myself and have experienced losing a puppy. We immediately put a chip in her so we could help if this were to happen again but this idea is amazing. I've stopped before for lost pets and had no idea what to do with them. I always call animal control but you worry about them making their way back home. I truly did not have an constructive criticism as you appeared confident and pitched your idea well. Best of luck!

  3. Pet and Found is a good concept. I have pets and would like to have a way to be reunited with my pet if it were to become lost. This app would be convent for pet owners that have lost a pet to be able to find them and be reunited with them. For pet owners like myself, this app would be very useful.
    Visit my blog at

  4. I love the opportunity you came up with! I have lost a puppy before and I wish I would have had an app like this to help locate him. Your pitch was great as you showed passion and engaged the viewers through connecting with them. I wish you the best of luck in your venture. If you have a chance check out my blog at

  5. Hi Andres,
    That is a great idea for a business as last semester I had a cat follow me all the way to my apartment and it appeared to be someone's cat but did not have a collar. The only way to find out who the owner was through making postings on Facebook or contacting the humane society. This would make things much easier for those kinds of situations.
