Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Venture Concept No. 1

This week I'll be writing about my venture concept and about the process of its inception. This process ranges from the very beginning of this class and culminates in the creation and materialization of my very own idea, which will hopefully one day be put to use in a profitable manner. In order to fully comprehend my venture concept, one must first go back to the origins of its creation; for it is essential to understand a person’s motives if one is to truly grasp what the venture means in a more profound way than just another way to generate revenue. My idea first arose from observing; as in many cases, when one observes the world around, it becomes easier to identify things that aren’t being fully taken advantage of and therefore improve them. Another common occurrence is the identification of a problem and the subsequent creation of a solution. Well my venture concept is based on the latter, as I one day observed a pet owner frantically search for her missing dog. This event reminded me of my younger days, where I would chase my dog around my neighborhood every time it ran away and sometimes I was simply unable to find it. This motivated to find pet owners and simply ask questions; through such simple inquisitive means I was able to generalize that there is no current means for a pet owner to properly and reliable locate its pet. This generalization was able to bring to light an issue that many local pet owners suffer from, thus creating a target market for me. This newly found market consisted of young adults ages 18-30 that owned pets. In a geographical sense, this audience was mostly local due to my confinement and limitation to the city of Gainesville. The fact that pet owners value their pets so highly translates to immediate demand for any means of locating them if lost; yet while this opportunity seems to present itself locally, it is only logical to extrapolate this situation to any town or city with a big enough population of pet owners, thus allowing for the creation of growth for this venture. Thus began the process of creating a solution for this newly found opportunity. The creation of a solution isn’t always as easy as some might perceive it to be, rather it is a meticulous process in which many ideas are subjected to trial and error more times than I’d care to count. Nevertheless what really seems to drive a good venture is a reliable innovation that appeals to a certain market, in my case, local young pet owners. In due time, I came up with an idea which can be considered incrementally innovative as opposed to radically so. I thought that there are current ways to locate lost pets, through installation of chips and other devices that allow for localization of an animal. This process, however, has a cost drawback as not many young adults have the means to afford such an expensive process. This is where I decided to take advantage of a currently popular means of interaction, social networks. Through the modification of a basic network plan, I would in theory be able to create an interconnected social structure dedicated to pets, whether it is finding them or simply interacting with other pet owners. This way I am not creating a drastically new idea, but rather modifying an already successful one and repurposing it to fit the needs of pet owners, my target market. Through the creation of this application and possibly a website, I would attract the attention of many businesses who provide services as well as products to pets and pet owners alike. This source of revenue would be highly marketing based, with some side revenue collected from selling data such as user preferences and interests. With the creation of this new application, users will be able to easily access a network of similar individuals with common goals besides simply interaction. The original goal of this venture is to allow for pet owners to easily and accessibly engage in the finding of their lost pets. What makes this venture especially attractive is the simplicity of access and usage; the user interface will be as simple as some of today’s leading social networks. This venture will be organized as a tech company, driven largely by programmers and information technology employees as well as marketing personnel in order to spread the brand, thus ensuring appropriate staff is in charge of tackling any issues or problems that might arise. My most important advantage going into this venture is the untapped market I will be exploiting, as I am the first to enter this market, I will hold a large market share with virtually no direct competitors. My next target opportunity will be to spread the usage of my network to a national scale and firmly grasp bigger cities and major metropolitan areas. Lastly, I know very little of what the future has in store for me. But I do know where I’d like to end up, with this venture started; I plan to simply continue living and observing. And who knows, maybe I'll find another golden opportunity that will allow me to create another solution for many people out there.


  1. Andres,

    This is a really interesting idea. I remember losing my dogs for a couple hours back when I was young, and something like this would have been really helpful for me. Chips are really expensive and why not use social media to help owners find their lost pets. Good luck! If you want to check out mine the link is below.

  2. Hey Andres! First off really quick I wanted to say that you did a nice job on this assignment. I think your idea of finding dogs is a pretty interesting concept. I am not aware of any competition that you would face, so that is good. If you are interested, you can check out my assignment titled Venture Concept No. 1 at this link: http://parkeruf.blogspot.com/2016/03/venture-concept-1.html

  3. Hi Andres, I am always super scared of losing my dog considering he has a fast squirelly small dog. I think your idea would be invaluable to taking care of pets. Your target audeience is very clear. I wish you luck. Here's my link:http://rdavidshay3.blogspot.com/2016/03/venture-concept-no-1.html

  4. I like your alternative to the ongoing problem of losing pets. I’ve lost my dog a few months ago and thankfully my roommate found him through Facebook. But we got lucky. Not everyday you find a dog lost and report it actually returning the dog to it’s owner. Sure there are micro-chips, collars and other methods, but these are either costly or some collars can snag on things and get lost. With this, you could have a backup plan when those methods don’t work. Here’s my post so you can see my venture concept. http://jacobembuscado.blogspot.com/2016/03/venture-concept-no-1.html
