Monday, March 7, 2016

Idea Napkin No.2

1) I am a second year student at the University of Florida. My talents include sports like soccer and an ease with numbers as I can quite comfortably deal with them. My skills and experiences are that of an internationally educated student, I have learned over 3 languages while living in 3 different countries and I believe that is a key to setting me apart from others. My aspirations are to continue traveling the world and working on multiple projects and meeting new people and creating new experiences while doing so. If this business were to take off, I see myself devoting a large portion of my time to expanding the reaches and implications of the basic concept of my idea.

2) The product I am offering is an application for mobile devices that would allow pet owners to create and utilize a social network for the purpose of interacting with other people in hopes of recovering or finding a lost pet. Users will be able to post notices of any lost or found pet in the local area, making it easier for a pet owner to access the platform and simply get in contact with whoever found his or her pet.

3) The market segment I am trying to reach are young adults ranging from 18 to 35 years of age. I believe this young population to be rather avid in dealing with current technology and social media. This will facilitate the spread and usage of the application. Out of that target range, I will specifically target pet owners or animal lovers, who will specifically take an interest in helping the local pet community avoid lost pet cases.

4) For a small, one time purchase/download fee, customers will have access to the full application and will be able to become part of an exclusive pet owner social network. Not only that, users will also save valuable time due to the facilitation that my application will offer in finding a lost pet.

5) What sets me apart from competition is the lack of focus from my rivals. While others may create groups in social media or establish a hotline, I believe my application solution will be more beneficial in terms of efficiency, simplicity of user interface and price.

I believe these elements are well blended together, they cover a variety of ranges in which an issue could arise and I could efficiently solve it. My background and major in finance will allow me to manage the company's finance with ease while i would have to possibly hire app developers in order to help me with the creation of the network as well as upgrades and maintenance.

While I did not do the first Idea Napkin exercise, I believe that some good feedback would run along the lines of efficiently spreading awareness of the app and the importance of a good, strong and efficient marketing campaign so that we can reach as much of our target audience as we can.


  1. Andres, I think this is a very well thought out idea that could eventually turn into a thriving business for you. By identifying a need that hasn't been solved yet, you've found a unique opportunity to do something new and exciting. I think you should come up with a name for your business since the catchiness of it is very important. Feel free to check out my idea napkin here:

  2. Andres, I think your idea is great but I think a lot of that problem can be solved using the chips that are being installed in dogs now a days. I think people would still use your application regardless of the chip use though. Your idea was well thought out and could be a success. My idea is centered around late night healthy food options if you would like to read it :

  3. Hey Andres,

    I am interested in learning more about your idea. Your app sounds like it can help many people who have pets and are worried about their safety. I like that you have a set target market (pet owners) and work towards keeping their pets safe. My idea napkin was very different from yours, and talked about my business plan to tailor clothes to fit everyone no matter the size. You can check my post out at

  4. Hi Andres,
    I LOVED reading about this "idea napkin"!! I have seen (as I am sure you have too) so many students post about their lost pet on the Free and For Sale or Textbook Exchanges pages. This app could really revolutionized finding pets. I think my only advice would be to somehow work in conjunction with the pet microchip companies so that the app would be much less likely to have issues. Also, I'm not sure how this app is set apart from specific Facebook pages (ex: Lost Pets of Gainesville & Surrounding Areas) so maybe go into a little more detail about why the app is better than just posting to a lost pet page.
    My business idea is also pet related so you should really check it out:
