Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 3

The last feedback i received was for my second elevator pitch and, in my opinion, some of the most valuable. It mainly consisted of peers telling me my idea was good and solid but I seemed nervous about it somehow. I decided to address this issue by practicing a lot. I practiced and practiced in from of mirrors and friends, and did a few takes on this pitch. Hopefully I don't seem as nervous as before, even though I still kind of was.


  1. Andres,

    I think you did a great job with your pitch, you did not seem nervous at all so that practicing paid off! Losing a pet is definitely a sad thing to go through, so it would be nice if people have this site to hopefully find them again. Way to think outside the box for your idea!

    If you would like to check out my pitch, here is the link:


  2. Good job on your pitch, you definitely didn’t look nervous and I liked how you involved gestures, it made the pitch look very natural. Also, your idea is very unique, never really heard of anything like it. It sure could help a lot of animal lovers. Good luck!
    Check out my pitch at

  3. This is a great idea! I feel like this idea should be connected to the microchip technology that some pet owners already use. Your pitch was very well presented and made it easy to understand your idea.
