Sunday, March 13, 2016

My Secret Sauce

Time to sauce on all of you! This week I'll be talking about my secret sauce and what makes me different from the rest of the masses. Firstly, I will discuss the five main points of human capital that i bring to the table.

1) Multicultural experience: While some may think this not to be an important trait to have, I believe that it is essential and vital in a world where countries and societies and companies are becoming ever more interconnected and interactions are requiring a great degree of sensibility and experience.

2) Multilingual: I feel this goes hand in hand with multicultural experience, the fact that I have been fortunate to live in multiple countries growing up means that I was able to experience different languages and in turn, learn them fluently. I currently speak over 3 languages and I feel that will give me an edge over others who do not as I will be able to easily interact and possibly secure deals, contracts and even funding.

3) Multiple Perspective: I feel that one of the traits that can set me apart is my ability to consider an issue or problem from more than my own perspective. This can give rise to new ideas and solutions i previously may have not considered.

4) Professionalism: Another trait that I believe sets me apart from any competition is my dedication to professionalism. In a modern business world, I am able to hold professionalism to the highest regard and perform at a level worthy of being considered professional. This means being accountable, responsible and dependable.

5) Creativity: Lastly, a greatly important trait to have is creativity. And I'm not necessarily talking about it in a general sense, as many people can be creative. I am talking about it in a personal way. One that only belongs to me, as I am able to envision a project or product as the way it should be to maximize my chances of achieving the goal I have set forth for myself or my group.

According to my first interview, I am a very understanding person. I feel this could be a vital skill in understanding the general public and their needs. In turn, I could find and exploit a business opportunity given their unmet needs and necessities.

Creativity is a good trait i think others see in me because of the value of ideas and the ramifications and implications of such ideas.

I feel that being a go getter is a very good thing to have in a leader, entrepreneur and person as a whole, the drive to achieve your ideas and goals is a major key.

Persistence is key to achieving your goals in life. Because if you are easily discouraged or give up as soon as things hit a bump in the road, then you can't be as successful, therefore this is awesome.

Being innovative is a great characteristic of a person due to the fact that they are visionaries, they spot people's needs and create a solution that they can turn into a product or company.

I see myself as a very easy going person and funny and laid back, but apparently others see me quite differently. They seem to see me as a creative character that goes after what he wants. I think that we are both right in our certain ways, maybe I truly am somewhere in the middle and don't fully know myself yet. I wouldn't make any corrections to the list given that it just feels very right.


  1. Hi Andres, great job on your blog post! I really enjoyed hearing what everyone had to say about you. Two characteristics I thought were very unique that you listed are "multicultural experience" and "multilingual." In today's society, this will probably be a huge advantage to you, in both the professional business world and your everyday life as well. I also thought it was interesting that people seem to view you in a very different way that you view yourself. I wonder why this is? Anyways, good luck with the rest of the class!

    If you want to check out my "Secret Sauce" blog post, you can find it by following this link:

  2. Hey Andres,
    I would agree with you in the fact that being able to adapt to and understand many different cultures is extremely beneficial because it is naive to think that you'll only have to encounter one culture throughout your life. It is interesting to see how others view you differently than what you expected. I was the opposite in the fact that my friends had the same opinion as to how I viewed myself. Check out my blog here
